petek, 27. februar 2009
sobota, 21. februar 2009
Zimska klepetalnica
Hej hej počitnikarji,
kako se kaj imate, kaj se vam dogaja?
Jaz sem hotela danes peči krofe, pa mi je kar dan nekam pobegnil.
Morda pa pridejo v torek na vrsto :)
LP na različne konce!
kako se kaj imate, kaj se vam dogaja?
Jaz sem hotela danes peči krofe, pa mi je kar dan nekam pobegnil.
Morda pa pridejo v torek na vrsto :)
LP na različne konce!
torek, 17. februar 2009
Po Valentinovem
Vem, da sem malo pozna, a kaj, ko sem danes našla en simpatičen članek o ljubezni oziroma o tem, kako se v angleščini o njej pogovarjamo. En kup koristnih izrazov je, zato priporočam branje :)
As today is Valentine’s Day, I thought I would look at the language of love, in particular, the verbs and prepositions of love! Of course, you all know that when you are lucky enough to meet that special someone, you fall in love; if you are really lucky, you may fall in love at first sight! If you spend all of your time with your loved one, your friends may say that you are crazy about him or her. Take care here, because if you say that someone is driving you crazy, it means they make you really annoyed and angry! This is not a good phrase to use about your sweetheart!
Did you know that before you fall in love, you might fancy someone? This means that you like them a lot, and would like to know them a lot better! If you manage to get to know the person you admire, you can go out on a date, and hopefully, you will get on well. But, you may just have a crush on him or her, which means that your feelings may change in time… You can also fall out of love, and in this case, you may break up, or split up with your beloved (who then becomes your ex). But this is not a very good topic for Valentine’s Day! So if you have had an argument and fallen out, today of all days, you should try to make up with the person who is close to your heart. As the custom on Valentine’s Day is to send cards or flowers, you have the perfect excuse to forgive and forget whatever happened in the past, and make a fresh start!
As today is Valentine’s Day, I thought I would look at the language of love, in particular, the verbs and prepositions of love! Of course, you all know that when you are lucky enough to meet that special someone, you fall in love; if you are really lucky, you may fall in love at first sight! If you spend all of your time with your loved one, your friends may say that you are crazy about him or her. Take care here, because if you say that someone is driving you crazy, it means they make you really annoyed and angry! This is not a good phrase to use about your sweetheart!
Did you know that before you fall in love, you might fancy someone? This means that you like them a lot, and would like to know them a lot better! If you manage to get to know the person you admire, you can go out on a date, and hopefully, you will get on well. But, you may just have a crush on him or her, which means that your feelings may change in time… You can also fall out of love, and in this case, you may break up, or split up with your beloved (who then becomes your ex). But this is not a very good topic for Valentine’s Day! So if you have had an argument and fallen out, today of all days, you should try to make up with the person who is close to your heart. As the custom on Valentine’s Day is to send cards or flowers, you have the perfect excuse to forgive and forget whatever happened in the past, and make a fresh start!
sreda, 11. februar 2009
torek, 10. februar 2009
Varna raba spleta
O tej temi smo že marsikaj povedali in še marsikaj bomo. Ponovno vas vabim, da se sprehodite po spletni strani za otroke, najstnike, starše in učitelje, kjer vas čaka obilo koristnih informacij o varnem in prijetnem "deskanju".
Ker je danes svetovni dan varne rabe spleta, pa si s klikom na sliko oglejte še krajši reklamni spot, ki spodbuja vas mlade, da odraslim prijavite vsakršno obliko spletnega nasilja in nadlegovanja. Pa dajte res!
Ker je danes svetovni dan varne rabe spleta, pa si s klikom na sliko oglejte še krajši reklamni spot, ki spodbuja vas mlade, da odraslim prijavite vsakršno obliko spletnega nasilja in nadlegovanja. Pa dajte res!
nedelja, 8. februar 2009
Prešeren v pesmi in v angleščini
Praznični pozdrav! Ste danes že kaj prelistali poezije? :)
Tukaj je povezava do angleške recitacije pesmi Nezakonska mati, ki ste jo v petek tudi slišali na šolski proslavi. Prisluhnite torej - The Unmarried Mother:
Za piko na i pa še poslastica - Kreslinova uglasbitev Prešernove Vrbe, gotovo jo poznate :)
petek, 6. februar 2009
Znova pohvaljeni
Včeraj sem imela priložnost poklepetati s šolskimi kuharicami, ki so mi znova dejale, da ste šestošolci pri svojem dežuranju v jedilnici super pridni, vestni in odgovorni. Zdaj teče že "drugi krog" in 6. a je znova na vrsti. Med delom sem ujela Patricio, ki je drugošolki prijazno pomagala pospraviti pladenj.
četrtek, 5. februar 2009
Mamina pesem
Ker smo se pri angleščini ravno učili ukaze in prepovedi, bo tale video idealen za vajo ;) Čeprav gre besedilo hitro in ne boste vsega ujeli/razumeli, je prav zabavno pogledati do konca.
Seveda pa vaše mame niso takšne!
Moja tudi ne!
;) ;) ;)
Otroški parlament
Danes je v avli naše šole potekal otroški parlament na temo Ljubezen in spolnost. Udeležila sta se ga po dva predstavnika iz vsakega razreda. Ker je naša podpredsednica Tara zbolela, jo je uspešno nadomeščal Jaka, ki je skupaj z Martinom lepo predstavil, kaj smo na to temo počeli v 6. a razredu. O naših dejavnostih morda več kdaj drugič, zaenkrat pa se sprehodite med slikami, ki so utrinki današnjega zasedanja.
BubbleShare: Share photos - Find great Clip Art Images.
sreda, 4. februar 2009
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